Friday, November 25, 2011

Authentic Designer Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Handbag From an Authentic One

!: Authentic Designer Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Handbag From an Authentic One

In today's economy, the growing number of knock-off designer handbags continues to rise. For the woman that is still after the authentic designer handbags, this can present a challenge. Have no fear, there are ways that you can identify an authentic designer handbag. We're here to help! Below are some of the designer handbag brands that we carry and how you can identify the real from the fake and save yourself from a disappointing purchase.

B. Makowsky handbags: B. Makowsky handbags are known for their supple leather, chunky hardware and signature lining. Most knock-off handbags are not made of this same genuine soft leather and will not have the signature satin lining. Look for these characteristics when shopping B. Makowsky handbags. If the price looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Michael Kors handbags: Michael Kors is known for his trademark square buckles, snaps or accents on the handbag. Every Michael Kors purse has these square accents. The knock-offs do not have these accents or often times forget to use the logo on the hardware.

Marc Jacobs handbags: Marc Jacobs zippers have slanted "i's". If the bag has upright "i's" then it is probably a fake. Authentic Marc Jacobs handbags do not have blank zippers. Note that on some of their E/W (East/West) handbags a Lampo zipper will be used. A Lampo zipper is manufactured by Lampo and will have the zipper brand found on the backside or underneath the zipper. Fake Michael Kors bags will often have a metal or leather tag hanging from the bag. These never appear on authentic Michael Kors bags. Avoid handbags with tags that state "Authentic Marc Jacobs". Some replica manufacturers use this to fool consumers in believing they have purchased an authentic bag. Each Michael Kors bag should have a metal label inside that says Michael Kors and it should not have a serial number or identification number. This is not a feature of Michael Kors handbags.

Brahmin handbags: Rest assured that there have not been any discovered knock-offs of Brahmin handbags yet. At one point, these handbags were being assembled in China so don't be alarmed if you find an authentic that says "made in China" as these are authentic handbags.

Cole Haan handbags: Cole Haan is notorious for soft and supple leather bags. When you bend the leather, you shouldn't be able to feel any crinkle. If the leather has a plastic or rough feel, chances are it is a fake. Cole Haan bags cost anywhere from 0 to ,000 so if someone is selling it for , chances are it is a fake.

There are some steps you can take into consideration when buying a discount designer handbag:

Read the description of the bag carefully and ask questions for anything that may seem unclear. If the description states the handbag is a "replica" or "designer inspired" then the bag is not authentic. Consider the price of the handbag. If the price looks too good to be true, then chances are it is. If the bag is being sold for 25% of the original retail, chances are it's a fake. Also note that there are authentic brands online at 40% off or even a little higher so you'll need to investigate those further. Determine if the dealer is a reputable dealer. Some things you can ask yourself are: Do they have a reasonable return policy? Does their website have a professional look and feel? Are they selling other products besides the designer handbags? Look for key trademark characteristics that are notorious for the specific designers. We have listed some of these traits above to help you identify by brand. Designer handbags are usually crafted of fine leather and soft fabrics. If the handbag is crafted in cheap leather, it's probably a knock-off. Check the stitching to make sure it's even and straight. Fake designer handbags usually have crooked or incomplete stitching. Authentic bags will have even and straight stitching.

Most importantly, if you aren't sure, ask the dealer if their bag is authentic and what their return policy is. If they are willing to offer a return policy or 100% satisfaction guarantee, then the designer handbags are usually authentic. We hope that we have helped to give you the tools you need to shop for authentic designer handbags.

Authentic Designer Handbags - How to Spot a Fake Handbag From an Authentic One

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Monday, November 21, 2011

B Makowsky Handbags - Quality Runs in the Family

!: B Makowsky Handbags - Quality Runs in the Family

Makowsky Handbags busted on the scene in 2006 with a great handbag collection concentrated in high quality leather. I would see them in various stores and internet merchants. I was particularly interested in his bags when you I saw the bags showcased on Quality Value and Convenience, better known as QVC.

Little did I know at the time that there was something else going on about the maker of the bags named Bruce Makowsky. One day, while watching television, I saw a special about husbands and wife's in fashion. I paid attention to this segment just to see who the couples were and how they were connected in fashion. All of a sudden, there was Bruce Makowsky with Kathy Van Zeeland holding hands. I already knew about Kathy Van Zeeland and her wonderful line of fashion handbags and accessories.

However, I would have never guessed that she was married to the man that makes Makowsky Handbags. I was simply blown away. At that moment, I though to myself that quality sure runs in the family. Ever since then, I really appreciate the style and class that they bring to the fashion world. Some of the differences in the collections are the following. Bruce's handbags are all leather and they come with excellent hardware and you can find just about any style including hobo's shoppers, clutches as well as many accessories. He has recently put out a great line of shoes as well.

On the other hand, most of Kathy Van Zeeland's bags are leather like and a little more concentrated on the hardware side of things. They cost a bit less then her husband's bags and she also has many styles to choose from. You can find both of their lines in various stores from your local mall to various online merchants. With either one of these designers, you simply can not go wrong when choosing a bag for yourself or as a gift for a friend or for a love one. One thing is for sure is that quality does run in the family when it comes to Kathy Van Zeeland and Makowsky handbags.

B Makowsky Handbags - Quality Runs in the Family

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Monday, November 7, 2011

B. MAKOWSKY Andrea BM26055 Hobo,Brandy,One Size

!: The Best Places to Buy B. MAKOWSKY Andrea BM26055 Hobo,Brandy,One Size Free Shipping

Rate :
Price : $246.00
Post Date : Nov 08, 2011 05:48:05
Usually ships in 24 hours

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